


By | 2015-06-20T18:50:13+00:00 16 June 2015|

“Question: ‘From how many parts did God made man?’ Answer: ‘From eight parts: the body from soil; bones from stones; blood from dew; eyes from sun; thoughts from clouds; breath from wind; intellect from moon; the gift of prophecy from the Holy Spirit.” From a Romanian questionnaire dating back to 1809


By | 2015-06-16T20:53:13+00:00 15 March 2015|

We value our lives, and the lives of others. And this is also a key element to living our lives powerfully.  When we start valuing without judgment through meaning (whether ours or society's), our lives begin to morph into something completely different. When we value without agendas, we are free from the agendas of others. When we put what matters to us under the microscope of our conscious awareness, we can manifest matter (physical experience) which we choose by design, and not unconscious or programmed meaning or importance. When we move out of the programming, we can take action at a [...]