Articles published in The Journal of Romanian Linguistics and Culture (JRLC) are expected to meet scholarly expectations in both formatting and content. Although there are no maximum or minimum page requirements, papers should be succinctly written. Authors are reminded that papers that are judged to be unneccesarily lengthy, poorly written, theoretically under-developed or based on poor science will be rejected by the editors.

How to submit

To make a submission, the article should be sent, along with any relevant supporting files, in Word 97-2010 (.doc or .docx) format to

Before submitting, please make sure that the submission is not under consideration elsewhere.

Please ensure that the article contains the following elements:

  • Article title
  • Author information (name, title, position(s), institution(s))
  • Author e-mail address
  • Abstract (up to 250 words)
  • A short description of the article (40 words or less)
  • List of keywords (for search engine optimization)
  • References
  • Acknowledgments
  • List of images.
  • Multimedia (including video/audio transcripts and any associated copyright information)

An author may also wish to submit a portrait photograph and list of research interests for use in the ‘about the author’ text. Authors must declare all relevant competing interests for consideration during the review process. A competing interest is anything that interferes with or could reasonably be perceived as interfering with the full and objective presentation or publication of research or non-research articles submitted to the journal, or the peer review and editorial decision-making processes (50 words or less).

Style guide


Unless they are commonly used examples such as USA, DNA, NASA, sets of initials should be spelled out in full at the first inclusion, followed by the abbreviation in brackets. For example, ‘The Centre for Beneficial Creativity (CBC)’. The abbreviation may then be used thereafter.


Titles and headings should only have an initial capital on the first word.


United States date form should be used, i.e. month day, year. For a range of dates repeat the decade digit, e.g. 1971–76. Use the form 1980s, rather than 80s or eighties.

Times should be written numerically in the 24-hour clock, e.g. 09.00, 13.30.


Use single quotation marks, with double quotation marks for a quote within a quote.


American English should be used throughout. Use -ize rather than -ise endings. Single foreign words and short phrases, unless they are proper names, should be italicised.


Links may be used within the article text; however, the link should state the link destination. Links should always be written in a form that suffers no loss of meaning if the link itself is removed. Full URLs should only be included in the references section.


Lists may be numbered using lower-case roman numerals or set as bullet points; lists within lists should be lettered, then numbered with Arabic numerals.


Spell out numbers up to and including ten, numerals for 11 upwards. Use numerals if numbers span 11.


Please list references according to the author-date (Harvard) style. In the text, references should be included in the style (Jones, 2010, pp 13–19) or ‘Jones (2010, pp 13–19) commented that…’. The references section should be included at the foot of the article, within which the titles of journals, books, etc. must be given in full.


Please use only one typeface and size. All text should be ranged left and unjustified.


Please list all footnotes as follows  [XX. Footnote text], where XX represents the footnote number. For example [4. This is a footnote] <- click to see the footnote.


Authors are encouraged to use images they own for the purposes of their submission. If it is essential to use a copyrighted image/multimedia, please arrange license for such use.  It is the responsibility of the contributor to secure such permissions and provide the correct attribution. Copies of all correspondence and the permissions themselves should be submitted along with the article.


Any video or audio files not already hosted online at the time of submission must not exceed 15 minutes in length or 2GB file size. All files must be accompanied by a full transcript. Video files should be submitted in the format AVI, MPG4, MP4, MOV or WMV. Audio files should be submitted in the format WAV or MP3. Any image files sourced by the author should be submitted in the format JPEG or PNG.


If you have any queries about submitting an article you can contact the editorial team here.